miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020

My quarantine hobby.


Since the quarantine began, in my case since March, I have been watching many series and movies, something that perhaps has helped many to cope the confinement. However, what I have enjoyed the most during these months is making music videos. This is something that if it weren't for the quarantine, I couldn't be doing it, nor without the help of my girlfriend, obviously, who is a photographer and has been living this quarantine with me.

Between us two we in charge of doing everything, I take care of interpreting and equalizing the music, and she is in charge of recording, framing and later coloring and lighting the video. We do the montage of the video together, I help to choose the take changes according to the musical moment of the piece that I'm playing, and she corrects me if it visually agrees with the music. Once everything is ready and reviewed, we export the video and upload it to my YouTube and Instagram channel.  


We have recorded all the videos at my house, except for some that we recorded in the countryside, near Talca. A couple of days before national holidays we left Santiago, it was quite an adventure. The picture on the top is a capture of one of the videos we recorded there. 


Make these videos together has been a great way to stay active as it is related to what we know and like. To date we have made 16 videos, most of them are of Latin American music, such as Violeta Parra and Atahualpa Yupanqui. We have many ideas yet to do, so many more videos will come!







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