sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2020

Postgraduate studies



I am currently in the last year of my career, and although it is very long (10 years), I would like to continue studying. In fact, this year I tried to gather the requested documents to apply for the pedagogy plan taught by the University, but unfortunately they still do not send me all the documents, so I couldn't apply, but I hope to be able to apply for the next year. I am very interested in studying pedagogy since it is something I have been dedicating myself to in recent years, and doing that has made me very happy, for the same reason I would like to acquire better tools to teach better. I think that no matter how much you know about an area, if you don't know how to teach it, it is very difficult for learning to emerge in another person.

Besides, and complementing my career as a musician, I would like to specialize in Latin American music, but I have not yet looked for if there is a graduate or master's degree dedicated to that music, but if it is necessary to travel to study, I would do it without thinking. The same happens with chamber music. From 2016 to this year I was part of a guitar quartet “Cuarteto Movimientos”, in which we played classical and Latin American music, and arrangements of orchestral music. In this quartet I used to play guitar, but also to make arrangements and some compositions. I learned a lot from them. It's something that has helped me lose my fear of being original and creating new music. Due to the good experience I had with them, in addition to other projects I have had, I think that perfecting myself in chamber music can be a great window for many opportunities, in addition to having the academic degree to teach it within the University.


miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

My future job

Sheet Music for Classical Guitar | This is Classical Guitar

My future job definitely has to do with music, I'm sure of that. For example, compose music, arrange music, record videos, and prepare concerts. But, complementary to this, I would like to work teaching music and guitar. I am sure of this because I have recently dedicated myself to these tasks, and I have enjoyed them very much. I have also traveled to some parts of the country to do concerts, and it is very entertaining. I would like to tour to the north, center and south of Chile, giving priority to communes and rural localities where it is not usual to see concerts. At the same time, I would like to offer open classes and workshops in the places that I will travel. Travel around Latin America or Asia, offering Latin American music concerts is a dream for me. Travel and meet music from different places of Latin America. So I think, in that sense, this would be an outdoor job.

On the other hand, I really like doing classes, it reinforces my idea that music can be a good thing for people, and helping from my study area is something very rewarding. For that reason I plan to do the major in pedagogy, which our university teaches for related careers. Having a music pedagogy degree, I will be able to teach high school students. This, in addition to being interested in teaching, means a way to get a fixed salary, something that in the life of an independent musician, that is, only with concerts or with private lessons, is very difficult to achieve. In relation to money, I do not have great ambitions. Living with what is necessary is enough for me, but I hope that by being creative and dedicated I can live the best possible.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020

My quarantine hobby.


Since the quarantine began, in my case since March, I have been watching many series and movies, something that perhaps has helped many to cope the confinement. However, what I have enjoyed the most during these months is making music videos. This is something that if it weren't for the quarantine, I couldn't be doing it, nor without the help of my girlfriend, obviously, who is a photographer and has been living this quarantine with me.

Between us two we in charge of doing everything, I take care of interpreting and equalizing the music, and she is in charge of recording, framing and later coloring and lighting the video. We do the montage of the video together, I help to choose the take changes according to the musical moment of the piece that I'm playing, and she corrects me if it visually agrees with the music. Once everything is ready and reviewed, we export the video and upload it to my YouTube and Instagram channel.  


We have recorded all the videos at my house, except for some that we recorded in the countryside, near Talca. A couple of days before national holidays we left Santiago, it was quite an adventure. The picture on the top is a capture of one of the videos we recorded there. 


Make these videos together has been a great way to stay active as it is related to what we know and like. To date we have made 16 videos, most of them are of Latin American music, such as Violeta Parra and Atahualpa Yupanqui. We have many ideas yet to do, so many more videos will come!







miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020

The most embarrassing thing i'm willing to admit.


 Red Hot Chili Peppers Singer Anthony Kiedis Hospitalized, Concert Canceled


It is difficult to remember embarrassing situations, they are things that one forgets as time goes by, but remembering, I remember two moments in which I think I have made a fool of myself without wanting to hahaha. Both situations happened at school, in 7th and 8th grade. And in both, my classmates were making fun of me for a long time, although I always took that with humor. The first was in 7th grade, there they had to dance “La Piragua”, a traditional Colombian cumbia. The PE teachers didn't guide us so well on how to dance it, just a general one. I always liked dancing, and I remember practicing it with my mother since she did know how to dance it. The result was hilarious for my classmates, since I had to dance I moved my hips too much, it was too loose to dance, and for that reason they started saying “Shakiro” hahaha. I see that very funny nickname. The second embarrassing situation was for an eighth grade, in a music class presentation. There with my group we played “Californication” by Red Hot Chili Peppers. Maybe, the group did not sound bad, but I am aware that I did not reach the tones "properly" hahaha. Apparently at that time my voice was changing, and it was hard for me to reach high tones. As a result of that presentation, everyone in the school began to tell me “El Californication”. I think this time the nickname did bother me, since it was somewhat exposed (and the teacher did not guide well how to sing it either). So at the end of the year I decided to attend a 4th high school degree, there I played classical guitar music, which is what I was studying at that time. My classmates and teachers congratulated me very much on that presentation, and after that they forgot the nicknames hahaha.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2020

My favourite concert: Radiohead 2018



I have gone to many concerts, of different styles, and each one has marked something important in my musical development, it has moved me and inspired me. But if I have to choose a specific concert, for the impact and emotion it produced in me, I choose the 2018 Radiohead concert at the Estadio Nacional. When they first came to Chile, in 2009, I was just 14 years old and I didn't know much about rock. I remember that on the day of the concert they were broadcasting many of his songs on the radio, ¡and at that moment I was very sorry not discovered them sooner! I became a fan of them. Since then I have been waiting for their return every year. When they released the King of Limbs I had high hopes, but finally with the A Moon Shaped Pool tour I was able to hear them live, and it really is unforgettable. They played many of my favorite songs; Pyramid Song, Street Spirts, and Nude for example. It was an incredible concert. They played 9 encores even !. Once the concert was over, the crowd in the streets made it very difficult to take the subway or bus, so I decided to go to Nataniel Cox, and from there take a bus home. I was so euphoric to have listened to Radiohead that I ran and jogged about 50 blocks! I was very happy at the time, and both the concert and the return home are one of the most beautiful memories I have until now.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020

A country I would like to visit.



The first country I would like to visit is Japan. I know it is difficult to be there due to the difficulty of the language, but it is a country that attracts my attention. I consider its culture and traditions very interesting. This is so for two reasons, the first is because I quite like anime and manga. It is incredible how a country (in addition to the US) has been able to influence the cultural and entertainment world of so many generations worldwide thanks to this art. The stories that can be found there deal with all kinds of topics, in fact many animes are cataloged for adults due to the complex content they address. Also, the stories in the anime and manga are set in very beautiful places in Japan that I would like to see. Besides, I would like to travel to Japan for work purposes. Since I am a classical guitarist, it would be ideal for me to travel there and dedicate myself to giving concerts of Latin American music, and my own compositions. I have been told that Japanese people have a great interest in music, to the guitar, and especially in Latin American culture, and for that reason I think it could be a good place to work as a musician giving concerts or guitar lessons.

martes, 11 de agosto de 2020

Agustín Barrios "Mangoré" - An expert on my field.



Because music is my field of activity, specifically classical guitar performance, I have decided to talk about a guitarist and composer named Agustín Barrios “Mangoré”. This guitarist was born in 1885, in Paraguay and died in 1944, in El Salvador. His father was Argentine, but from the side of his mother he had Guarani bloodline. He is one of the most important figures in paraguayan culture and also in Latin America. He traveled through many countries and cities in Latin America, where he learned and rescued traditional dances and songs from almost all Latin American countries. His musical language is a mixture of Latin American folk music and European classical music. His concert programs included both the music of Bach and Beethoven, as well as his own compositions and folkloric pieces. It became known throughout Latin America under the pseudonym “Nitsuga Mangoré”, “Nitsuga” by Agustín written backwards, and “Mangoré” in honor of a legendary Guaraní cacique. In his research to represent his culture, Mangoré even costumed himself as a Guaraní indigenous for his concerts.

Agustín Barrios Mangoré is currently one of the most played composer by classical guitarists worldwide. His work includes around 300 pieces for solo guitar, for example, dances, preludes, studies and fantasies. In my opinion, he is one of the most important figures in the history of Latin American music and the guitar, because he transcended to the present day thanks to his investigative work, collecting folk music and taking it to the top of the culture. He is an artist and a role model that I greatly admire, and my personal project about music is inspired in Barrios, because I want to perform latinoamerican music, create a mixture of folclore and classical music, write my owns compositions, and rescue the typical music of us culture,
similar to what Barrios did.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020

My childhood series




I remember when I was a child, the first cartoon I became a fan was Dragon Ball. It was transmitted on the national channels, and I didn't miss any chapter. Even, with my dad we tried to record the movies on VHS. Goku was a hero to me. I remember since I was kid playing to train some kind of martial art in the backyard of my house. I was such a fan of Goku that for a birthday of a friend I dressed up like him.

A few years later, with the arrival of Cable TV to my house, I began to see the Cartoon Networks and Nickelodeon cartoons. My favorites were Courage the Cowardly Dog and Cat-Dog. The stories in these cartoons were very rare, but I really liked the colors and the atmosphere created. Especially Courage, looking at it from my current point of view, I could consider this cartoon as surreal, due to the impossible of certain stories and the strangeness of the characters.

During my adolescence, I began to like Japanese cartoons or anime again, and at that time my favorite was Hunter X. I remember that after school I always rushed home to see it. Currently, in fact, I am still seeing this type of drawing, in series and movies. I find that it is quite an art, and Hayao Miyazaki's films are an admirable example of what a drawing can express.


martes, 4 de agosto de 2020

The Story of a Picture

This picture was taken in Chiloé, exactly 2 years ago. In this picture we can see my colleagues from the Cuarteto Movimientos, guitar quartet which we formed in 2016. Together we have performed in various stages and theaters in Santiago, also in nearby towns such as Paine or Peñaflor. But we had never come as far from home as that time. This picture is from the educational concerts tour we did together, which started in Temuco, passing through Valdivia, then Puerto Montt and ending in Castro, all in one week.

I remember it was very exciting, because we were able to stay in incredible places like palafitos, share with school students and eat a lot of typical food from the south of the country. This entire tour was financed with the support of the National Music Fund and the entire itinerary was managed by a producer, Khalo, who is also a musician and he was the person who took this photo of us on stage.

I love this photo, it brings me back good memories of these concerts, nostalgia and wishes to perform again, soon as the quarantine is over.

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2020

My pets

At home, we have always had and took many cats and dogs in. My family loves animals, and it is a tradition to be sharing with them. Currently our partners are four; Chimuelo and Ginger are the cats of the house. Agnes and Tata are our dogs. All of them have come to the house because my sister, who is a veterinarian, has brought them. 

One of them is Ginger,  who has been at the house the longest, she arrived very small, just a few months old, and she is now around 5 years old. She is a very grumpy cat, and she is not very sociable, neither with humans nor with animals. Almost at the same time, Agnes came to our lives also with a few months old. At that time she was very small, smaller than a shoe. Now it is very large, when she is standing, she measures almost 1.50 meters. She is very playful and sweet. 

A few months later Chimuelo arrived. He is very shy and calm. We all love hugging him and giving him kisses, because he is very furry and soft, and fortunately he lets us do that, unlike Ginger, who rarely allows it. The last to arrive is Tata, I gave him that name because when he arrived at the house he was already old. This dog was rescued by my sister near a place where they were doing greyhound racing. Apparently, his older owners abandoned him, probably because he could no longer run like young dogs. I couldn't imagine a daily routine without being able to greet my fellow cats and dogs every morning.

domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

My favorite piece of technology

I must confess that my favorite piece of technology is really, quite dated, but still insuperable to me, I mean; the record-player or turntable and the vinyl record. I choose those because I love listening to music, and I consider this as the best music player. 

I have listen music from CDs, cassettes, music in delicate formats such as flac, even with the best headphones, but these experiences do not exceed the sound quality offered by the record player. Of course, to have a good sound experience, you need two importants resources; A vinyl in good condition and a good needle. This is so because many old vinyl records are scratched, and this causes us to listen with interruptions, or listen over and over again, as in a musical loop. However, even if we have a new vinyl, we will not be able to fully enjoy its sound if we do not have an optimal needle that reproduces it. The needle is crucial, because it is the device that captures the vibrations produced by the grooves drawn on the vinyl, similar to what happens with wind instruments, which use a reed to produce the vibration in the instrument, and thus produce sounds.

 The vinyl and the record-player together are a kind of musical instrument for me, because with them is possible listen to music on vinyl without the need of a speaker, because when the vinyl is turning and the needle vibrates, an acoustic sound is produced, not electronic, as in the case of other music player devices. For all these reasons, I consider the vinyl and the record-player as an insuperable device to this day. If you have the opportunity to listen to a good vinyl, do not hesitate! It is very similar to listening to live music.

viernes, 10 de julio de 2020

My Study Trip in London


Entrance Fee
Tube Station
Travel Zone
Hop-on hop-off bus tour (24 hours tour)
Central London


Big Ben and Westminster Abbey
Westminster Station
Westminster 1

London Eye
£20 student
Waterloo Station
Waterloo 1
Buckingham Palace
£40 + £2.40
Victoria, Central London 1

Hyde park
Hyde Park Corner
Hyde park 1
Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter
£46.95 + £10
Watford Junction
Leavesden, Watford

Paddington Station and Little Venice
Paddington Station
Paddington 1
Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum
Baker Street

Jack the Ripper Museum
£13 + £2.40
Tower Hill Station
Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
London Bridge Underground
Bankside 1

Tate Modern Museum
London Bridge Underground, Bankside
Bankside 1
The British Museum
Tottenheim Court Road

Embankment Pier to Tower Millenium Pier on River Bus, and Tower of London.
£8.70 + £2.40 + £19.30
Travel for Thames: Embankment to Tower of London

Total Costs

For the first day of this travel, I will take a Hop-on hop-off bus tour, because this is a good way to give a preview of all the city, before of visit each important place. This tour has a maximum duration of one day, in which I can freely choose the stops that interest me or call my attention. The next day i will start to know some famous and iconic places of the city. On the tuesday morning i will go to know Westminster Abbey, from inside and Big Ben only from outside. These are very close (50 mt.). After that, I will walk across the Westminster Bridge, until I reach the London Eye. Here I will pay the ticket to get on that giant 135 meter wheel, because I really like that kind of entertainment, besides that it will give a beautiful view of the city.
To the next morning, I will go to explore the Buckingham Palace. I will pay the complete tour to know The State Rooms, The Buckingham Palace, The Queen’s Gallery and the Royal Mews. I think this place is perhaps one of the most important in the whole world. After to know the Palace, I will take the Tube on Victoria Station to Hyde Park Corner. I want to know the Hyde Park because is the largest park in London, and I am struck by the fact that it is located right in the center of the city.
Thursday will be a movie day. This because I want to visit the Harry Potter Studios. I am a fan of the saga, those movies marked my childhood, and I would feel very sad if I couldn't go to visit that place. To get there, I will take the Tub to Watford, and a bus too, to Leavesden. This should take me an hour at lest, for these reasons, for this day in particular I will need to get up very early. After that, I will return to London, and I want to stop of this travel on the Paddington Station, because here was filmed another movie that I like, about a bear with the same name of the Station. To finish this day, I will go for a walk on the Little Venice. This place is very close of the station, and is a beautiful kind of replica of the Venice Waterway, and it appears in a scene from the movie too.
If the mood of Thursday will be the fantastic world of movies, for Friday I pretend to create a day to the mystery and horror. On morning I will go to visit the Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum. This place has wax sculptures of many famous people, but I am interested to visit The Chamber of Horrors, because here you could see a strange collection of serial killers, dismembered bodies and other curious things like that. Following with the topic, I will need to take the Tub from Baker Street to Tower Hill Station, to end the day visiting the Jack the Ripper Museum.
To the two last days of this travel I want return to visit some historical sites of London. On the Saturday morning I will go to the Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, that even if it is a rebuilding, I am sure that I will love it. After that I will go to visit the Tate Modern Museum. This museum is few steps to the Globe, on Bankside too, and has thousands of paintings, sculptures, photographs, drawings, and artistics installations of the modern and contemporary Art.
My farewell to the city will begin in The British Museum, because this place brings together thousands of objects and works that are invaluable for both London and universal culture. After that, I will take the Tub from Tottenheim Court Road Station to Embankment Station, because I want to get on a River bus from the Embankment Pier to Tower Millenium Pier, sailing the Thames. Finally, after about 15 minutes on the river, I get off at the Tower Pier, to see the Tower Bridge from afar, and to visit the Tower of London, in order to say goodbye to the city.

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

I think the reason I decided to start studying music is because when I was a child, the piano at my grandfather's house caught my attention. For other side, when there were family meetings, my uncles played Latin American music on guitar, and that also caught my attention. So, since i was a child i like so much the music and the dance too, because i saw all the videos of Michael Jackson, and he was like a idol in my child. I think that my dream job always was be a musician, like a rockstar or a genius of classical music, like Beethoven or Mozart.

When I was 12 years old, my parents gave me a guitar, and since then I have not stopped practicing. I had private lessons for two years. At 14 years I started to study Bachelor of Arts in guitar performance at the Universidad Mayor Conservatory. The first two years I doubted if I would continue studying to be a professional musician, because I also liked literature and philosophy, and also, because the music career is so long (10 years of study), and other careers more "traditional" need less years of formal study.

I finally decided to pursue my career professionally, when I played for first time with an orchestra, when I was 17 years old. That experience was decisive for me. So, the next year i changed university, and i started studying at the University of Chile in 2014, when I was 19 years old. In this University i meet many people important to me, like my friends of my guitar quartet. I learn whit very good teachers, especifically of Chamber Music, and this is reason why I'm thankful.

Now, I am 25 years old and I am currently in the last year of my career, and I am preparing to take my final exam, which consists of playing a solo recital in public for over an hour. After this I would like to enter at the University's teaching programme, wich last two years, this would be something similar to a postdegree. I want this because with this degree i can teach on High School, i like so much teach music, and i think the education is a very important way to change the society. 

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

Little Bio

Hi, i am Rodrigo Saldívar. I was born in 20 of march of 1995, in San Miguel, Santiago, Chile. I am classical guitar performance student, in the Faculty of Arts of the U. de Chile, and actually study my 9th grade, the egress year of my career.

I love very much the music and the arts in general, in part, beacuse to my family this are very aprecieted. My grandfather and my grandmother studied piano and sing, they met on the Liceo Experimental Artístico, at the 50's. They ever played and listened classical music. For another side, my uncles of mother part are guitar player and singers of folclore music. They played protest songs and latin rhytms, and when i was a child these songs and music caught my attention very much.
I started study music at 9 years old, with a piano teacher. This teacher was also teacher of my grandfather, its mean, a very old man with a very old methodology, and to my this was very severe, for this reason i leave the piano lessons at few months.

At 12 i meet a friend and classmate who all his family played guitar and rock music. In this moment i only know the classical and folclore music, and to my this new music was very atractive, maybe because the speed and strong of this music. Then, i started play guitar obsessively, from this moment to today.